How to stop someone making stripe payments


We have stripe set up as we have one client that required this method of payment, so we send that one client the invoice via stripe. Strangely, we have had another client make a payment via stripe, we sent that client’s invoice via qiuckfile and not via stripe however the client made a payment via stripe, this is not what we want. How was this possible and is there a way to prevent this in future?

Hi sharon1,
In every client/customer account there is a setting to activate/deactivate the payment gateways/provider.
Go to the client page for the client who shall not pay over stripe, click Modify Client details, scroll down:

I think that once you enable Stripe the default is that it is available to all clients by clicking the “pay online” option when viewing the invoice. It needs to be explicitly disabled at client level… It is in the “modify client details” dialogue, you may have to scroll down to reach it.

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