Importing Trial Balance from QuickBooks Pro 2010


I am trying to import my TB from QuickBooks Pro 2010. I have followed the procedure but QB Pro 2010 does not produce nominal codes.

What I have done:

  1. Exported TB from QB as CSV file
  2. Chosen that file under secure/account/modules/tb-import.aspx
  3. Clicked upload.
  4. This produces a screen with a row with a green background with four drop down boxes and below this two columns Column 1 and Column 2
  5. It is stated “Please indicate where each field should be mapped to?” but with only two columns this is not possible.

Each row of the CSV file is structured as follows:

“Current Account”,0.00,""

Is there anyway to get this in to QuickFile other than manually?

Thank you.

How many lines do you have on your TB?

You could add an extra column to the CSV and pre-populate it with something like “1”. That will get you to the next stage, but you would need to manually map each row to a QuickFile nominal ledger number.

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