Clients are frequently switching bank accounts - as Limited companies - to avail themselves of free cash eg Starling pays currently £4,000 a pop. Now I assume that this will be subject to corpioration tax under other income - but what is correct VAT treatment?
standard rated ? zero rated? are is it a form of reverse bank charge and thus exempt?
No idea. You’d need to ask the bank.
I spoke with HMRC adviser today; under public notice 700/7 “business promotions” section 7.1 and 7.2 we have the answers. These payments are OUTSIDE the scope of VAT - and so whilst subject to CT as “other income” in QB Xero and other softwares - record as income that is EXEMPT. Had hoped for some stronger answers on here but hey ho. Hopefully this is helpful to others
Always best to speak to either hmrc or an accountant as this forum is about the software not tax or vat legislation.