Invoice displays with multiple <br> in <span id="lblinvoiceTermsContainer">

are being added to invoice template view:

<span id="lblinvoiceTermsContainer">




Hi @rrrr

Just to confirm - with the invoice terms, each new line (“Enter” / “Return”) will be treated as a new line.

If you don’t require these, it’s best to try and keep your terms to one line if you can.

If I’ve misunderstood, please let me know some steps to try and replicate this issue, and we’ll take a look for you.

The extra lines are being added as a part of the invoice terms. The items, qty etc. are perfect.

Our terms are:

Bank Natwest Bank.  Weston Favell Branch, Northampton, NN3 8JT
Account Name
Account Number
Sort Code

Payment Terms: Nett 14 days

Goods and services are supplied in accordance to the standard terms and conditions of . We thank you for your custom.

Have you put new lines in your invoice terms (by pressing Enter for example)?

Checked that there are no additional lines anywhere on the invoice.

Do you require any further infromation from me regarding this?

Hi @rrrr

I’ll send you a private message shortly to get some account details from you.

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