MTD failed submission - VRN not authorised

After submitting my completed VAT report I get the following
You are not yet authorised to view this report for the VRN 468044240 . Please ensure your VAT number is correct and you have connected the corresponding HMRC Tax Account. If you have recently enrolled on the MTD scheme please allow 24 hours for HMRC systems to update.

Thanks for registering this problem!
We seem to have done it all: VAT number OK, linked to HMRC, enrolled for MTD. No joy.
We await with interest responses that help resolve it!

Hello @smfreight

This error is one sent to us by HMRC. It could mean one of a few things, including:

  • The VAT number hasn’t been enrolled and confirmed by HMRC
  • You attempted to submit it too quickly after receiving confirmation (it’s suggested 24-48 hours)
  • The wrong HMRC account has been linked to your QuickFile account

If everything seems ok out of these 3 things, the next step would be to log into the same HMRC account that you’ve linked and ensure MTD is showing there.

If everything is still checking out, you will need to contact the VAT helpline; @Meadowlands54 - this is likely to be where you’re at judging by your post.

The VAT helpline will be able to check everything for you and confirm it’s set up correctly.

Sorry to jump in on this one however we are experiencing the exact same issue.
HMRC are stating that it’s an issue with the accounts software.
Any ideas?

Hi @bigfootnetworks

There are no issues on our end but we’ll try and help as much as we can.

If you look at the 3 points in my post above, is everything OK there?

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