MTD VAT Historic data

Hello All
I have signed up for MTD VAT service with HMRC and linked my account in QuickFile. Just following the suggested view (in help file) of previous VAT returns by clicking VAT Obligations but when I do I get the following error:
HMRC have indicated that no data could be retrieved for this VRN
However when I click VAT Liabilities it shows no payments or liabilities found.
Have check the HMRC account and link seems to be successful. However viewing previous returns opens a new page.

Will I only see items that have been submitted through MTD in QuickFile? So I will not see past VAT returns and payments in QuickFile?

You’ll only see past returns submitted under mtd I believe.

The vrn error suggests somethings not set up right. You should see an open period for your first mtd return

Yes, that’s correct. Any returns submitted using an older method won’t show up.

As @Paul_Courtier mentioned, this usually relates to a problem with the setup. This could be down to a number of reasons:

  • You’ve enrolled on MTD but not yet received the confirmation email
  • You’ve received the confirmation email from HMRC, but not waited up to 72 hours
  • The linked Gateway login (used for HMRC) isn’t the one authorised for your VAT number
  • The VAT number is incorrect

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