MTD VAT return shows "you are not yet authorised"

You are not yet authorised to view this report for the . Please ensure your VAT number is correct and you have connected the corresponding HMRC Tax Account. If you have recently enrolled on the MTD scheme please allow 24 hours for HMRC systems to update.

Get this when I try to submit vat return any ideas?



You need to make sure you have registered on the gov website
I had exactly the same
then realized I had not set up account correctly


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hi jack

thanks for reply do i have to sign up to the mdt trial or is there another bit i need to set up?



Hi @lexion780tt

You will need to enrol with HMRC for the moment. I would imagine this will change come April, but for the moment you need to enrol.


when you say enrol do you mean sign up for mdt pilot scheme?

Yes. Before the full release of MTD VAT, you need to opt in.


I have opted to join the mdt pilot and now on my hmrc login it says i have opted for income tax reporting software but quick file still says im not authorized

Currently we don’t offer income tax reporting through MTD (this will come in time as HMRC releases it).

When did you join the MTD VAT pilot? It can take around 72 hours before it’s active.

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