New To QuickFile - How to use the DLA

Hi hope you can help

I am new to Quickfile but not to book-keeping and I am struggling with the features.

What I am trying to do is post some of the Purchases to new Directors Loan accounts I have set up in the chart of accounts. To help you understand, the company has two directors so they purchase items seperately. Sometimes they use their own money so I want to collate their spend within these accounts and to show what the company owes them. I can only seem to pay from a bank account which is what I dont want to do. I want to clear the purchase to a directors loan account.

I hope that makes sense. Can you advise.


You can create a new director account, tick option to use it for payments and receipts and when logging purchase payments pick from drop down relevant director a/c instead of bank a/c

Hi @MattCross

Generally speaking DLAs are seen like bank accounts in QuickFile. When the account was opened one would have been created as an initial example for you in the banking section.

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