Partial refund on paid invoice


Could do with some help here please.

Due to a change of mobile phone provider I have received a small refund (as giro credit) in company’s current account. The full invoice had already been paid earlier in the month and tagged. How do I put this refund in Quickfile?



Tag credit to Telephone account (same account used to tag mobile charges)

Just to clarify, is this sitting in your bank as an untagged transaction?

Yes, currently sitting in my bank as an untagged transaction

Tag it as a refund from a supplier then.

I did try to do that earlier but when I put in the supplier details, nothing appeared.

I have since logged out of Quickfile and logged back in again and can now see all my previous invoices under the supplier. Guess there was a glitch in the system when I tried it first time. All tagged and sorted now.

Thanks for your help everyone

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