Partially paid invoice showing as paid in full

I’ve updated an invoice to reflect the card charges from Stripe, which now shows a £0.23 outstanding balance. However, it’s showing as paid in full and I can’t allocate the missing 23p to it.

Invoice #0351

Re-saving it usually fixes that. Check now.

I don’t know how that actually happens we’ve never been able to fully replicate. Although we will take another look.

Thank you. Just a note that when I saved it, it did show a pop up saving it couldn’t be saved, but it did. Hopefully that helps you!

It may have been a database timeout, but normally we’d see an error log on our side if that happened…I don’t suppose you remember what the error said? Was it something like "There appears to be a problem communicating with the server, please retry later "?

Not 100% sure, but I believe it was more of “There was an error saving this invoice. Please retry later”.

OK that’s odd, I would have expecting something to show up on our error log. I will keep a look out for similar issues.