Password change button

Hello, Newbie here.

I’ve just added my first customer email. She has gone into change the password, but there isnt a button to confirm the change.

Please can someone advise how this works or what I need to change to enable this function?

Thanks in advance,


This is due to a recent release, I have escalated this and we’ll get it fixed ASAP (~24 hours).

Great, Thank you! Quickfile is great software btw!

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All fixed, thanks for letting us know!

Hi Glenn,
I have a customer that has been able to view invoices for some time now, (automatic login enabled) but today I sent two invoices and it asked for her email and password. I deleted her then added her again but she keeps getting the same issue.

Can you help please ?


@vikstar which invoice are you referring to (invoice number)?

Hi Glenn, #000335 & 000336.

Ask your client to retry the link. It’s a known issue our side… just fixed!


Great, thanks Glenn - seems to be working now.

By the way, I have been using quickfile for over a year and a half now and it has been great for me as a new business. I’m not too pleased that I will have to pay but I guess there is no choice in the matter.

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Hi Glenn,
I have the same problem again, another contact (from same company) is not receiving my estimate … estimate number 000449 sent at 10:00hrs this morning.
Can you please investigate asap ?
Kind regards,

Hi @vikstar

As per our discussion, I’ve had a look at your settings on your account. I see you’re using an @outlook email address, but you’re not using an outlook SMTP server, so I’d guess there’s a chance the email could be rejected by your client on the basis that it’s not being sent from’s mail server.

What I would suggest is to set up the SMTP details for, which could help resolve this issue.

I’ve done some searching and found the following details for, perhaps you could give them a go and let me know if that works?

Outlook Outgoing (SMTP) Server
Server address:
Port: 25 (or 587 if 25 is blocked)
Authentication: Yes
Encrypted Connection: TLS
Username: Your email address
Password: Your password

If you need help setting this up, let me know. Otherwise, let me know how it goes! :slight_smile:

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do you mean within microsoft outlook ?

This is within QuickFile.

If you go to Account Settings > 3rd Party Integration > SMTP Settings

From here, just enter the relevant details:

In this case:
From Name: Usually your business name
From Address: The email address
Host Name:
Port: try 25, if this produces an error try 587
Tick Enable SSL
Username: Your email address
Password: Your password
Send activation email: Do you have another email address you could use here to test it with?

I get the following:-

SMTP settings updated.

            It looks like there was a problem reaching your SMTP service
            Error Message
                Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.3 Requested action aborted; user not authenticated
            More Details

Has anything come through to the activation email address you entered? I see it’s waiting for an activation code, which seems a bit odd if it didn’t send

I’ve just created an account and managed it set it up all ok with the below details. Are you settings different from these (except email address and password)?

I have just sent you the PDF of screen on the private thread. As I said Glenn came across a similar problem before and he resolved it.

That usually means either isn’t able to authenticate the credentials you supplied or it could be a firewall issue.
You could temporary use default smtp settings in QF though.


There does seem to be an issue with Outlook and the quickfile SMTP settings.

I’ve now switched my email settings over to Google Apps for Business email address and it’s working.


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I do suggest you ask Glenn to look into this as he did fix the issue last time.

I think you need to get QF white-listed, you should be able to do this by logging into your account. See the accepted answer below.

Cannot send email through Hotmail / /

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