Paypal feed amount incorrect

I have checked my PayPal account and it reads that the amount I have paid is £28.55 with no fees.

Money out of my bank account is £28.55 also.

The amount on my PP feed is less at £27.64. Not sure what’s going wrong here. The payment is to a US company, so the PP is currency converted so don’t know if it’s getting caught up there?

Edit - I’ve just noticed that the option on PP feed “Convert foreign currency entries to GBP (using rates)” is checked. Should I turn this off as PP is already managing the conversion?

Hi @tobyw7

Can I just check - does your PayPal account show the transaction as GBP or USD, or do they just take a GBP payment from your bank?

On the “Recent Activity” page, the transaction shows as USD, but if I click on this, the page shows that it’s been converted:

Conversion from: £28.97 GBP Conversion to: $35.94 USD Exchange rate: 1.240678837747493

And on checking bank, it shows that it’s taken the payment in GBP.

Hi @tobyw7

Let me send you a private message to get a few details, and we’ll take a look at this for you.

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Great, replied now! Hope you get it.

Thanks @tobyw7! All received - we’re taking a look at this for you and will update you in the PM shortly :slight_smile:

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