Copy and paste not working on quantity and unit fields


I have registered as a Power User but the keboard shortcuts do not work… Is this normal?


Hi @cedev

Providing they are enabled on your account (see this post), and you’re not trying to use them with your cursor in a text box, they should work.

If you meet both of the points above but they still don’t work, could you give us a few more details please and we’ll certainly take a look at this? For example, what browser and operating system are you using (e.g. FireFox on Windows 10)? Are there any particular shortcuts you’re noticing that don’t work?

I am trying to use CTRL+C or CTRL+V. Is it blocked in quantity boxes?

Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V aren’t built-in QuickFile shortcuts so aren’t bound by the text box rule I mentioned above.

The quantity box will accept any numeric value (up to 4 decimal places). Providing the number you’re copying from or pasting to the quantity box fits this, it should work.

This is what I am doing but without luck.

Can you tell me what browser and operating system you’re using please?

Can you provide any examples of where (sales invoice, purchase invoice, estimate etc.) you’re copying/pasting, and what you’re trying to copy/paste please?

I am using Linux Antergos with Firefox 58.0.2 and OS X Sierra with Safari 11.0.3.

In an invoice for a client, I try to paste “129.30” into the unit cost or “1.128” into the quantity.

I hope that helps.

Thanks! I’ve replicated this on FireFox, although I note that Chrome works fine.

I’ve asked a developer to take a look and will come back to you shortly.

@cedev - This should now be resolved. Would you mind retrying please and letting me know if that works as expected now?

I have just tried and CTRL+V does work however CTRL+C does not.

Also CTRL+SHIFT+R does not (reload page and clear cache in firefox)

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