Price / Quantity Display Order and things


is it possible to change the order for the Price and Quantity on the input screen so its Quantity then Price.

when you use a inventory item, it comes up as 4 decimal places when the rest dont, and also its not showing 4dp in inventory setup?

can you use an inventory item more than once on an invoice, the cog spins and the defaults dont set, in a way i wanted to use a few short inventory items mainly to default to a different sales code…
(actually this is working again, it was just spinning and not displaying any values in price and description, odd)



Unfortunately you’re not able to change this, but you’re welcome to post a request for this as a new feature if you wish (post it in the Feature Request category), and we’re happy to consider this if there’s enough interest from the community.

Although it shows up as 4dp here, it doesn’t show like this on the invoice itself. I will let a developer know about this, but it wouldn’t effect the final invoice.

Yes, you can use it as many time as you want. However, the defaults will only import if the line is blank. So if you enter anything in any of the fields (description, VAT, unit etc.), then it will only change the nominal code.

thanks for your prompt reply, ill perhaps ask for the feature…

on point 3, it started working again, i had actually added a few blank ones and it didnt work on any, they had no description, when i closed the invoice and reopened it was fine. perhaps a little bug…

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