Problem with tagging

Hi I am new here . I have spent hours looking for solution:unamused:. Ok there is the problem.
I have imported my bank statement and bulk tagged my transactions.
Unfortunately to my surprise they are tagged however has not yet been allocated to any invoice… remains unallocated . However some are tagged and rest not. :scream:
I have tried to detag transaction and start again trillion times now please help
I have tried allocate but its not solving problem.
Can you please help ?

There are two ways you can tag items from the bank.

  1. Tag the payment to a client or supplier invoice.
  2. Tag the payment as a credit to a given client or supplier.

In most cases you should be selecting option 1. This will then create the backing invoice to explain the receipt on the bank. If you select option 2 it will assign the funds only to a given client (no invoice will be created).

Even if you selected option 2, in theory you can manually create an invoice and attach those funds sitting on the client account to that invoice. But option 1 does all this for you.

I hope that makes a bit more sense!

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