Problems Importing a few clients

Hello - This is my first request for help, hope this makes sense and sorry if this has been covered before. I am trying to use the Client Import facility to import some 75 clients, on uploading the CSV file I get the message “Sorry, you can only import 500 items at a time”. I, like many, have less than 500 clients, is this an issue with my data or is this really the limit ? If so, is there a workaround ? Does the “500 items” refer to records or fields ? Could I repeat rows in the CSV file to make up 500 client records ?

Any help appreciated. Many Thanks.

The 500 item limit refers to rows in the CSV. Let me have a look into this.


OK found the problem.

The CSV file has 100s of empty rows at the end. These are getting counted in the row total. If you open the file in Notepad or a simple text editor, just delete those trailing rows (i.e. the rows with just commas).

Hi Glenn - Perfect fix, removed the excess rows of commas and the upload worked as expected. Would be good to know why the extra lines were generated or is this something I have to check for, before each upload ?

It would have most likely been generated by your spreadsheet software. It’s not that obvious you have rows with empty spaces inside so sometimes the only way to be sure is to view it in Notepad.

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