Purchase order numbers - help please

Hi Guys,

Our purchase order numbers used to run numerically e.g. 1341, 1342, 1343 etc - all fine and OK.

They are now running as the same number with a letter after - e.g. - 1341a, 1341b, 1341c etc…

How can we solve this asap and can we apply a fix retrospectively as we would like to apply this to all of the PO’s that have been created in this way.

Thanks in advance


QuickFile auto-increments invoice and PO numbers. So really all you would need to do is issue the next PO without a letter suffix and the next one automatically assumed after that will increment in digits.

You can go back and edit the number for any previously issued PO.

I suppose at some point you must have issued a PO with a letter at the end so QuickFile then attempted to increment the letter rather than a number.

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