Purchase record/purchase entry

Hello, what is the difference between a purchase record and a purchase entry please? Thanks, Donducé

Hello @Donducebjonos

Just to make sure I’m on the same page as you, can I just clarify where you’re seeing these terms please?

Hello, customers option/create purchase record/create purchase invoice/create bulk invoices. The purchase record icon looks like a file and the invoice looks like a chart thing. Thanks. Just looked again, under suppliers, its create purchase record, or create purchase order. Whats the difference between a record and an order please? I have been creating purchase records, not orders? thanks, Donducé


A Purchase Order is a request for a product, so something that you would send to a supplier for them to know what you’re going to order.

A Purchase Record is the invoice which the supplier has given you once you have received the product.

If you are just processing invoices that you have received then Purchase Record is the correct option - these will be posted to the ledgers.

Hello Beth, sorry for late reply, thank you so much for explaining that, thankfully all the invoices i receive are on purchase records, as are the orders I make. I don’t send any purchase orders to suppliers…yet!. Regards, Donducébjonos.

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