Purchases from previous period not on vat return

During a tidy up I have found a few purchases which have already been entered but not been included on a previous vat return. They were entered after the return period for which they are dated.On reading previous posts you suggest that these will get mopped up by a later return but this has not happened and when I run a return for the current period the do not get picked up then. Any suggestions?

Hi @tc5440, can you please provide invoice numbers that you experience that issue with?

You can send me private message on this forum if you don’t wish to post any details in public thread.

I think the mopping up will only work with cash accounting, I will check this though.


OK it does mop up on Accrual, however I was told those entries pre-date the VAT Start Date in your VAT settings. If you move the start date back to before the date of the earliest transaction you want to pickup, it should work as intended.

I tried shifting the start date from 11/11/14 to 1/11/14 but I got the message “Vat start date must be after the last period filed.” I’ll just adjust the transaction dates to 11/11/14 and see what happens.


That’s fixed it. Thanks for your help.

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