I had successfully uploaded and live feed set up on bank account, all was ok but then when i tried to include a second bank account (savings) some of the figures started duplicating. I removed the savings account figures and then the main account balance was way off. I tried starting again, but the same balance was wrong. Tried just doing April 2023-april 2024 as these are what I desperately needed to get done (already spent hours doing them before the balances went wrong), but it is now showing different balance from the uploaded statement? Please help!!!
Hello @A-Jones
Are there payments/transfers between the accounts you are trying to upload?
When you are tagging transfers between 2 accounts that have feeds you need to match them off
- This test transfer for £100 is money out on nationwide (I have a corresponding Money in on a Monzo account)
- Tag the transaction
- Select “Bank transfer between accounts”
- I chose Monzo and continue
On this next screen I suspect you are leaving it as the default “Create new transaction” rather than selecting the corresponding transaction.