Rec'd Email @Log into your QuickFile account' x2

Received 2 emails 051015, same content, Did quickfile send this…?

Log into your QuickFile account…
.The following accounts were located for ‘’.
Please select the company you wish to access below.

TIP: Don’t forget to bookmark your login page for faster access in future!
Sovereign Property & Electrical Ltd You are the owner…
Sovereign Property & Electrical Ltd You are the client…

You’ll receive an email like this when the following form is completed.

This locates the accounts linked to an email address and provides the direct login URLs.

Cheers for that,
Just don’t understand why I received it, after all Ive not had any problems getting into my account?
Still, all good as long as its not anything untoward!!


It may be a confused client or member of staff perhaps?

Ah ha confused client…much more likely!
thanks glenn

PS we are also in agreement with your new policy fees. We have been with you a long time and grateful for your team making it an easier process when our company started.

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