I sent a PDF invoice by email at 10:24 this morning. However, it’s not yet showing in the Receipt Hub. It’s worked fine up until now, so not sure what’s happened, or where my emails gone?
It has since arrived, but still taken around half hour. It always used to be quicker than this though (usually no longer than 5 minutes)
I’ve had this happen once or twice, usually arrives within a few minutes though as you say. I would assume that at times the mail server is under heavy load and starts queueing messages, don’t think I’ve ever had anything go missing.
I’ll have a look into this, we poll the receipts inbox every 5 minutes so it really shouldn’t take any longer than this.
I just sent one now and it came through in a few minutes, it may as @Lurch mentioned be a period of heavy load, either that or huge attachments? We’re actually moving the mail server to a dedicated machine next week so we’ll see if that makes any difference.
It happened last week too, but thought nothing of it. I resent the email and did end up with 2 when they eventually came through - so the emails are being picked up.
The invoice itself is only 18KB so not huge. But being a popular service, I completely understand the effect of a lot of users using it at same time! Hopefully we’ll notice a difference next week. Will certainly let you know if it happens again after then.
OK I have suspicion here. I’ve referred it to a developer to look into further.