Recent Events log - report the date and time rather than an ubiquitous reporting

Recent Events log - report the date and time rather than an ubiquitous reportings we receive, 4d, 4d, 4d ! Bye the bye I was in 3d in school at !

A few years ago the “Recent Events log” provided the date and time of the event recorded of an event, but this got downgraded to reporting how many days since the event occurred when looking at the log.

This is a more difficult report to understand of “Recent Events”;

The details of date and time are already stored in the database for each event recorded. I would suggest reverting to the previous reporting of “Recent Events” so that date and time are shown.

Hi @alan_mcbrien

As far as I can remember, the timestamps have always been this way. They will however change to a date after a certain time (I can’t recall what this time was, but I can check if you like).

If you hover your mouse over the “4d” in your example, you will see the day and time the event occurred.

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OK it looks more easier than I expected, but sometimes seeing is believing. As would still suggest that “hovering” is not a successful way of reading information on a screen. Why not just report the event when it happene?