Hi, I started using this software with the new financial year, and did not bother to import transactions from the previous year as I wanted a fresh start, and it’s all working great, thank you for your support.
I have a question: I received a refund from a supplier for faulty goods (returned to them), purchased on the previous financial year. This went straight to my bank account and now I guess I need to tag it.
As there is no transaction from that supplier, how do I go about tagging it? I tried with the basic “credit from supplier” but not being registered any purchase during this financial year with that supplier, it won’t let me.
So, the only option I can see is “
Something else not on this list”
Should I use this, specifing in the description the nature of the refund? And under what account should this go?
General Sales comes as default, should I use that? the goods where products I normally sale to my clients.
Thanks for your time and your help.