Hi all,
Have received deposit refund for Regus rental as have moved to smaller office. When I paid deposit at start of a contract was tagged as one item without VAT.
If I tag refund from supplier it applies VAT element. What I am doing wrong?
Have received refund from 02 for overcharge during last 18 months for monthly 21£ payment for a contract that was cancelled, amount 370.02£. Usually it will allow to apply refund from a customer, it doesn’t have to be same amount, now it doesn’t:
No qualifying purchases could be found to refund against. Make sure the corresponding purchase has been logged before you attempt to process this refund. What I am doing wrong?
Have posted refund to a customer for amount 1932£, old invoice 6750£ overpaid.
IN VAT return draft deducts refund in sales, but shows in prepayment, what makes sales in box 6 without deduction, is this ok?
Thanks in advance for your help,