I was just wondering if an admin could go into my account & delete my PayPal Merchant Account (PayPal email removed) as it is an old account & will take me numerous hours to delete all these transaction by pages of 50.
Thank you in advanced for all your help & I am glad that you have finally charged me for this brilliant online application as I can see how much effort has gone into it & I can only imagine how much admin there is to do!
Does the information in your PayPal account make up information for invoices raised, or transfers to your bank account etc.? If it forms part of your actual finances, I wouldn’t recommend deleting it otherwise your records may not be accurate.
However, I have asked a colleague to take a look to see what effect it would have and how easy it would be, as I don’t have access to your account.
Thank you so much for your prompt reply, It dose form part of raised invoices & bank account transfers but as it stand at the moment it is so wildly inaccurate that I cannot get anywhere near a realistic Profits & Loss report with it being in the state that its in so I was going to clear out that account & re-feed it to just one year back to try to get to the bottom of this inaccuracy - my Barlcays bank feed is spot on with the amount in the account at the moment & I would like this to be so for my PayPal account.
How many entries in your PayPal account are tagged? How many PayPal entries do you have in total?
If they are mostly untagged there will be no cascading affect on other entries such as invoices and bank transfers.
If however you delete huge tranches of tagged PayPal records it will revert all tagged invoices to unpaid status and remove any bank transfers going into other accounts. The removal of the bank transfers will throw out the balance on your other bank accounts and will need to be manually reconciled again.
Also I’m afraid we don’t have any way to bulk delete bank accounts other than go through 50 at a time.