Reset Quickfile account

Hi all,
I’m trying to completely reset my account as I’m unable to do anything with the system. I can’t issue any new invoices or carry out any accounting. The system is stuck on an issued invoice that is only partially paid with no options available to me to amend it. I know I can open a new account and start afresh but I really would like to keep my current account. Any help would b appreciated. Thanks
All the best

Doesn’t sound like a usual issue anyone else has faced before. In what way is it stuck? Have you locked the period the invoice relates to?

Hello Paul
Thanks for your reply. Stuck as in i have no options. I have “accounts overview” and “statement” as the only headings. A weird thing though in the settings it shows my details in the “About Us” and the last invoice details as the “Your Details” The last invoice issued has an outstanding amount as only partially paid with no options available to amend other than for me to pay it. The customer is unavailable to contact to settle the outstanding. Its only £21 so not worth persuing. I hope these further details help. Thank you

Might be best to have @QFMathew take a look at your account to see what’s going on.

Thanks for the nudge @Paul_Courtier.

@dotsters - I have managed to locate your account. From the outset, it looks like you’re logging in with the wrong email address and logging in as a client rather than an admin. Do you have another email address you may have used?

If you’re stuck, let me know and we’ll take this into a private message and try and help you further.

Thanks for messaging me @QFMathew you were absolutely right I was logging in with the wrong email address. All sorted now. A huge big thank you to you and @Paul_Courtier
All the best
John | dotsters


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