Reviewing old purchases

Being new to QuickFile I want to look back at some purchases to see which category I used for them. How do I do this, or better still, can I bring up a screen of a purchase giving all the details of it?

Hi @dgo

You can do some advanced searches on purchases, but unfortunately nominal code/individual item lines aren’t part of it.

Do you know who the invoices would have come from and/or when they would have been issued?

Hi Mathew
A lot of purchases are made by credit card for small amounts from people on Ebay through to large purchases from reputable companies. I have ascertained from another thread I opened today that I should raise a purchase order for each and every one of these to help get the VAT figures right come the time to go down the MTD path.
When I tag a purchase the ‘What type of transaction is this?’ window opens and I invariably go to ‘Something else not on this list’. I then have to fill in the ‘Description:’. What I want to do is go back to a similar purchase, perhaps from another supplier, to check I am using the same description for the sake of consistency. When looking at an older purchase I would like to see all that the system knows about it to get the info i need from that. Invariably for the countless small purchases all I get in paperwork is the Paypal record of the transaction. I can’t count on an invoice, may get a delivery note!
Perhaps you could confirm that the combination of raising purchase orders for all these transactions and the consistent of describing them is the correct path to follow for MTD and also when I bring all the info together for my accountant’s annual tax assessment?

I would recommend actually creating purchases for these rather than tagging them as “something else not on the list”. For example, this would allow you to filter purchases by supplier, date, use project tags and you can use the VAT returns (which is currently the one part of MTD that’s available).

Generally speaking, a record of the transaction in PayPal will show the origin of the payment, so you may be able to just bulk these payments up under a generic supplier (e.g. “PayPal purchases”). Although this may be something to run past your accountant just to be safe (I’m not one).

If you’ve tagged transactions as “something else not on the list” up until now, the nominal ledger would display the descriptions you enter, against the nominal code you would have chosen.

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