Sales & purchases - exporting multiple items, multiple pages?

Hi there

For both my Sales and Purchases, I want to export a specific period to excel format.

Currently I have to select each item manually, I can’t even select multiples at the same time.

And if it goes to a different page, then I have to create a separate excel file for that.

Is there maybe a sleeker way of doing this?

I feel a bit archaic doing it this manual way… :wink:

Many thanks!

Hi @tsomek,

Can I ask the reason why you want to export this information? You should be able to get your sales/purchases figures from the P&L?


again it’s down to getting a cash basis result - and not an accrual basis.

if I’m not mistaken the P&L is accrual again… ;(

Hi @tsomek

If you run an account backup, you should be able to see this information and then filter by the date range that you want to see.

In the backup you should have four files called


The _Invoice files contain invoice totals and the _Invoice_Items files contain the individual item lines. The one to use depends on the level of detail you are looking for.

I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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