Sales to EU and VAT


When you sell to other VAT registered business within EU, treatment on the VAT return depends on whether you have supplied goods or services.

Goods - Boxes 6 & 8
Services - Box 6

How can I achieve this in Quickfile?

I can see a box “Apply VAT reverse charge” but it does not seem to be changing anything.

As much as I love Quickfile, I think there is still to many flows in the way it handles VAT.

At the moment QuickFile does not have a way to differentiate the sale of goods or services. When you create a sales invoice in QuickFile with a reverse charge, it will include the NET figure in box 6 and box 8, effectively treating everything as a if it were a sale of goods.

The bottom line VAT calcs will always be correct but the statistics boxes may need to be manually adjusted.

I appreciate that there are some pain points dealing with VAT in QuickFile, we do hope to address some of these over time. VAT handling in general accounts for a big chunk of our code base, there are so many edge cases we need to handle and it causes confusion for users and makes things very hard to manage and maintain our side. That said we are looking at ways to simplify these areas and support as many situations as reasonably possible.

Someone should remind them of this, I think they forgot.

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Thanks for your reply Glenn.
Unfortunately, the “Reverse Charge” box does not seem to be working at all.

The reverse charge box zero’s the VAT, are you still getting VAT on your return with this box checked?

I cannot see any figures in box 6 and box 8.

@Filan I’ve sent you a PM to get some more info.

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