Simple VAT question please?

HI there,

This is my first time using QF to file end of year accounts (2018-19). Deadline today! Please help if you can.

I have submitted my 4 VAT returns 2018-20 via the HMRC system. 3 out of the 4 had a payment correction added for the previous incorrect payment (unfort hadn’t realised my spreadsheet had 12% not 16.5% in the formula!).

So, my question is…when I now add my VAT submissions to QF do I put in the correct quarterly figures as QF has calculated or shall I manually edit the QF submission to match the HMRC submission (inc mistakes). Obviously the final annual liability to HMRC is the same either and HMRC have rec’d the correct annual amount already.

Hope this makes sense and hopefully it’s an easy question for those in the know!

Thank you in advance for any advice.

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