Supplier Invoices - VAT differences

Hi, when tagging bank entries I find sometimes that the supplier receipt VAT is different than the amount QF has calculated.

QF allows you to amend amount, but it won’t allow me to increase amount. This is making some entries 1p or 2p out on VAT claimed. How can I get around this please?


Hi @TudorJones

I’m not able to replicate this issue I’m afraid. I’ve done is on a test invoice (shown below), and I can increase the VAT by around 10p:

Are you able to share any particular examples that I could use to try and replicate it please?


I’ve created the invoice from bank tagging, as per screenshot.


Apologies - I misread that part of your original post.

I’ll log this with our team to be reviewed, but in the meantime, you can modify the invoice once it’s been created like my screenshot above.

I’ll let you know once we have an update on this.

Hi Mathew

Thank you, for the alternative way to amend. I will bear in mind next time.

I hope this can be sorted from bank tagging, as this will help speed things up .

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