Supplier Ref in Tagging Function

I am new to both Quickfile and the Community so please forgive any ineptitude(s)

I have a problem with trying to ‘Tag’ bank payments to suppliers. There doesn’t seem to be a way to show the Supplier Ref. (Inv. No.) in this screen. I have searched the Knowledgebase and found reference to an implemented change back in 2014 which allows a Supplier Ref. to be added when creating a new purchase from within the tagging function but can’t see a way to search the available data. All the transactions carry the QF ref. and we are annotating this to hard copy invoices but think it would be useful to be able to see this ref in the tagging screen?

Any thoughts, suggestions or ideas much appreciated


Hi @Pete_Bumstead

Doing a search by, or displaying the supplier reference through the tagging facility isn’t possible at the moment.

I’m happy to convert your thread to a feature request though if you wish? We actively monitor these and more than happy to take a closer look at those with community interest.

Yes please :slight_smile:
I think it would be a very useful addition

As a new user I am finding the lack of Supplier Ref. in the small box on the Supplier payment screen - Select the purchases you’d like to pay down annoying, a simple thing but make things take longer than needed.

Equally, it took a while but I found the well hidden Supplier ref. option on the Purchase Management screen - not sure why light grey on white for a usable function is thought of as a good idea but I guess it means staff spend more time on repeat tickets and it looks ‘prettier.’

Now off to spend more time searching in case there is a way to add the column and less time appreciating the QF experience.

Hi @MetcalfeP

We can certainly look at adding this in various places.

Can you confirm which box you’re referring to here please, just so I know we’re both looking at the same place?

I’m not entirely sure it’s the one the OP is talking about but it would certainly be useful in the “pay down multiple invoices” workflow - if I’m looking at a statement from my supplier to decide which invoices to pay then their reference numbers are more useful than my internal QFnnnn ones.