Tagging sales invoices from single bank entry

One of my customers has paid by cheque for two separate invoices raised by me - how do I go about tagging the separate invoices?

Thanks, Eddie

you could delete the bank account entry for the whole cheque payment, go to the 2 invoices in question and mark them as paid to your current bank account (the bank account where you deleted the cheque entry). This will create two entries in your current bank account with the sum of the invoices.

You could also use a “dummy” bank account. (If you don’t have one you can/should create one - it can be useful in the future). Go to your bank account with the cheque entry in question and click tag next to that entry. Click on “Transfer between accounts” and choose the “dummy” bank account. After that go the the 2 invoices in question and mark them as paid in the “dummy” bank account.

You can also use “Pay down multiple invoices” after clicking the tag button >> Payment from customer

Hope that helps

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Thanks, much appreciated.

Regards, Eddie

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