I’m having an issue with transfers between accounts…
I the following
Santander Current account
Paypal Account
Stripe Account
Looking at my stripe account I see the outgoing payments that were sent to my main current account, I’ve collated these to monthly amounts to simplify things…So I try to tag the amount as transfer between accounts…
My problem is It just adds that amount to my current account when that amount has already been received, so I end up with a totally wrong figure… So then I thought if I tag the current account incoming from stripe it would sort itself out , but it just ended up a right old mess… so I deleted the current account import and stated again…
What is the correct way to transfer funds between accounts as obviously the amounts are already in both, I just want to allocate them via a tag or should I not tag them at all to prevent excess funds being added ??
When the incoming payments from stripe arrived in your bank account, how did you tag them then?
If you have a feed bringing in transactions on your current account then the simplest way to get things to match up is to disable the import of payouts in the stripe feed and then tag them on the current account side as transfers from the stripe account (which will create the matching transactions on the stripe side).
I haven’t got a feed setup, purely to keep things simple I’m just summarising it monthly and adding manually…
Right So the best thing to do is to not add the outgoing bank payments on my stripe account at all, I was doing this manually…
So basically tag all the payments from stripe in my current account as account transfer and it should then link and deduct them from my stripe account ?
Yes, exactly. When you tag a money in or out transaction on one account as a bank transfer, QuickFile automatically creates and tags the corresponding out or in on the other end.
I’m the same as you, I don’t have any feeds, I just manually log stripe payments in to my stripe merchant account and tag payouts from the current account side. This leaves a balance on the stripe account for the fees they’ve charged me, which I settle in one lump at the end of each month based on the tax invoices I download from my stripe dashboard under business settings -> documents.