Trying to file first MTD VAT return

I’ve just tried to complete my first VAT return using MTD, I’ve registered with HMRC and I believe activated the function within quickfile but it does not look as though the VAT return has been submitted and I cannot see how to check this. Could support please see if I have done something wrong in the setup? Thanks

Hi @Lucy

If you go to Reports >> VAT Returns, you should see the return there. What’s the status showing as?

It should be SUBMITTED.

Hi Mathew

It just says saved. If i then go into view it says submitted, has it been filed with HMRC ?

Does the return itself have a “MTD” label on it? It sounds like it was saved using the old method (and not even submitted to HMRC).

If not, roll back the VAT return, and go to Reports >> HMRC, pick your VAT period and submit it through there.

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