I am new to the system and on creating an invoice I clicked on a help link. The screen moved away from the Invoice creation screen mistakenly went and restarted and created the invoice, downloaded a PDF and sent this to the client.
I now find that the first invoice is shown in my Invoice list as DRAFT and the second shown as SENT.
I now have two invoices for the same thing. They have consecutive invoice numbers e.g. 9525 (DRAFT) and 9256 (SENT).
I do not want to mess up my invoice numbering. Should I just modify the DRAFT invoice when I have another invoice to raise or should I delete it?
Just modify the draft for your next invoice. You could delete it also but the OCD in you won’t let that happen It really doesn’t matter if you have deleted invoices as long as you can show why there are gaps in the numbers if asked.
OK thanks both. You are right tc5440 my OCD has kicked in. I have swapped the invoices around and will just use the 9526 in the next couple of days. At the moment I have it assigned to another client with a value of £1. I can sleep well now.