Created an extra Loan account in error. Trying to delete it but system won’t let me because it has an opening balance. When I try to amend, it takes me through to the journal but won’t let me delete the entries, to remove the opening balance and hence delete account. Help!
Hi @daviek61
That doesn’t sound quite right! Let me check this with our development team, and I’ll come back to you shortly.
Thanks. Basically, just trying to delete the two accounts set up in error and start again…but can’t get rid of them
You need to use the “delete all journals” button at the bottom - despite the name, this button doesn’t delete all your journals, it deletes all the lines of the particular journal you are currently editing. @QFMatthew “delete this journal” might be a less misleading label for that button.
Hi @ian_roberts
Thanks for the reply.
The issue here at the moment is that “Delete all journals” returns an error. This is currently being investigated by our development team.
Yes tried that…but just get a message stating ‘Invalid request, nothing to delete’ despite there being two entries on the screen
Just an update here - we’ve fixed the underlying issue, so you should now be able to remove the opening balance journals.
@ian_roberts - We’ve also updated the text on the delete button.
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