Unallocated Customer Payments

How can I get the balance to show/include customers payments that are unallocated ?

Hi @ANFlatley,

Which balance are you referring to?

customer statements where they make a round figure payment and then this doesn’t come off the balance

Hi @ANFlatley,

Pre-payments are included on the statement but until they have been allocated they don’t reduce the invoice balance

is that something that will change ? or is there a form set to change it ? the customers are confused by the layout

I agree that the statement is confusing when multiple invoices are paid or overpayments are made.

The statment shows amounts applied to each invoice rather than actual recepts although a total of money held on account is shown at the top of the statement.

The reason that pre-payments don’t reduce the invoice balance if they aren’t allocated is that you might have received a deposit for work yet to be invoiced, but the client still has a balance on other invoices which need to be paid. You wouldn’t want to use that deposit or if the deposit is more than the balance then you don’t want it to look like you owe the client money

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