Undo Rolled back vat Return


I tried to submit q1 and q2 vat returns one after the other , but after submitting Q2 first, when I tried to submit Q1 the QF program instructed me to “roll back” the return for Q2 , which I did. But now, after submitting Q1 , how can I unroll back the Q2 return to submit it??

Submitting it is unrolling it back.

Sorry, I’m confused about the whole roll back thing. Currently my Q1 return is submitted, but Q2 says rolled back. But I want to submit q2 , and it won’t let me because it’s been rolled back.

Are you on the MTD scheme?

Yes I am , so my vat returns are directly linked to HMRC

Hi @Diamondgeezer

You will need to change a setting before you’re able to save the return.

There’s another post on this which may help: Rollback of VAT

You may have got yourself into a bit of a mess here - the way QuickFile is designed, when you submit a VAT return for a particular quarter it will also include any entries from an earlier quarter that are not already locked down by a previous VAT return. This is a deliberate design decision so that if you submit a return and then later find an invoice you’d forgotten about or a purchase where the supplier took a long time to invoice you, you can enter it at the correct date and know it will be accounted for in a VAT return at the earliest possible opportunity without you having to do anything special.

However, in your case, if you submitted the Q2 return without having done Q1 first, chances are all your Q1 and Q2 sales and purchases will have been combined in the figures QuickFile sent to HMRC for the Q2 return. When you rolled this return back and submitted Q1 separately, that will have submitted the totals for Q1 a second time. So now you have effectively declared all the VAT on your Q1 sales and purchases twice. Remember rolling back a return in QuickFile doesn’t change the figures that have already been sent to HMRC - once a return has been submitted you have to talk to HMRC directly if you need to amend it.

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For future reference. Never submit a vat return quarter for a future quarter when you have a previous quarter still outstanding!

Please can you give me a solution

Now you’ve submitted Q1 you should be able to generate the correct Q2 return in QuickFile but you won’t be able to submit it to HMRC. Compare the numbers QuickFile has generated with what you actually submitted to HMRC (which you can find via the VAT section of your “business tax account” on gov.uk) and if they’re significantly different then the only thing you can do is get on the phone to HMRC, explain what happened and ask their advice.

If the difference in box 5 between what you should have submitted and what you actually did is less than £10,000 or so they may just tell you to leave it be and make the correction on your next return, but if paying the double VAT now will cause you cashflow problems (even though you will get it back three months later) they may be willing to let you correct it before they take payment - assuming it’s not too late as the Apr-Jun quarter DD will go out in the next few days.

Once you have worked out with HMRC exactly what your final liability is, come back here and we should be able to help you with how to log it in QuickFile.

…Actually the Q2 return would have meant the HMRC owing ME money, after the deduction of all the vat on imports I paid in that quarter.

Ok Ian, Lurch, Paul, Matt,
I’m still having difficulty getting my head around this.

I understand that I have now paid vat in Q1 twice, but I can make that adjustment later.

First question: even though my Q2 return has been “rolled back” , when I submit my q3 return in October , will it pick up the Q2 return too?

If not, then my second question is, Matt, I tried to turn off MTD and online filing as in the link you posted, and then submit new vat return , but there‘a no option to “save” the figures just to “submit. “

If the q2 return isn’t saved before you submit q3 then yes it will pick that up too.

What d’you mean “saved?” All I see is whenever I do my vat return is first “prepare” and then “submit”. Once I hit “prepare” does that mean it is saved?

  • go into your QuickFile account settings and temporarily turn off the MTD and online VAT filing options
  • prepare a new VAT return for the rolled-back quarter, apply any manual adjustments you need to make the figures match what you originally submitted, and “save” this return without submitting it online
  • switch online filing and MTD back on again

In other words turn off Mtd and online VAT filing options. Then prepare and save the return. Then switch it all back on.

When you say prepare a new vat return for the rolled back quarter after temporarily disabling MTD, d’you mean NOT in QuickFile but direct on HMRC like I used to do in the old days before MTD?

No. I Mean in quickfile.

Please send me screenshot example of how i “save “ a vat return without submitting it. I’m sorry if I’m being annoying , I’m just not getting this

Which version of the QuickFile VAT return form are you on? Green background or white?

Here , I’ve disabled MTD, gone back to create new vat return , and this is what I get