I do quarterly VAT returns, is it possible to create a list or rather get a net VAT value for one month only? In this case December 2020…
Hi @Jon_G,
If you haven’t submitted the return that includes that month yet then you can remove your online filling settings and generate it with manual dates.
Hi Beth, I have submitted already for Dec/Jan/Feb but trying to work out the Dec figure to include in the final accounts to 31 Dec under Debtor (vat receivable)… Therefore, need to work out the net vat due, as vat was due, for Dec…
Hi @Jon_G
If you’ve already submitted then return then you can download the data from that return and then filter for the December dates to find the figures you need
Do you need to remove the online filing details? You can just prepare your return and use custom dates but not submit it can you not?
If you’re using MTD, the dates are bound by the period set by HMRC.
But viewing the December return (that’s been submitted) and filtering the backing data in Excel or similar will likely give the same/similar result
Ah right, coming from the old (working reliable) method I just saw the same boxes so assumed they worked the same.
Thanks @QFBeth - It allows me to export a csv file which I have done. Is there a way to filter a csv file?
Also, I am wondering for the correct treatment of a VAT refund for the financial year received after the financial year end in the following financial year (accruals accounting) so that it registers as vat receivable in debtors in the appropriate year?
Open it in your spreadsheet software, Excel, OpenOffice Calc etc.
When you run your VAT return QuickFile creates a journal on the last day of the VAT period that puts whatever you owe HMRC or vice versa into the “VAT liability” nominal account 2202 (as a credit if you owe them, or as a debit if you’re owed a refund). If the payment or refund doesn’t happen until the next financial year then 2202 will show as a liability or asset as appropriate on your year end balance sheet, you don’t need to do anything further.
Hi @Lurch It opens it in excel as a csv which cannot be filtered in that form.
Hi @ian_roberts Thanks for your message. That’s what I had thought but it is not giving me the December vat figure as debtor/vat receivable, which was paid in after the year end, but rather as all paid and balanced and hence thought an adjustment being necessary…
So save it as xlsx and then filter the data
Have you actually ran the year end tool? Are you sure your not looking at the balance sheet with a date after vat payment has been made? Check the balance sheet date is set to the last day of the financial year and see if the vat liability shows.
Hi @Paul_Courtier, actually no, I hadn’t ran the year end tool, quite new to QF, but now have and saved as per the instructions, and checked in settings and see that the period has been locked. However, it made no difference to either the P&L or B/S previous with the same end date.
It’s because it opens Read Only probably, not because it is a CSV. As @Paul_Courtier said, save the file and then you can filter it.
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