Vat return is including invoices from previous period

I am doing my first MTD vat return through quickbooks, the previous return was done directly on HMRC website. I have set the VAT settings to start from 1st July 19 to do the period 1Jul19 to 30Sep19. But when I go onto VAT return it has included purchase invoices dating back to Mar19 and sales invoices dating back to Jun19 and not included all the purchases for Sep19. How can I fix this?

If you are using quickbooks then you’re on the wrong support forum, this is for QuickFile.

I imagine quickbooks was ment to say quickfile. You need to check the vat settings start date and whether you are on cash accounting or accruals.

Cash accounting will include receipts and invoices based on the date of payment whereas accruals will only include receipts and invoices dated within the period.

It sounds like you are on accruals method and have set it to cash accounting.

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