VAT Return - non-VAT items eg council tax

I’ve just prepared my first VAT return and downloaded it. However the detail only includes sales and purchases (so EG, Council Tax isn’t listed). Is this correct?

Hi @WalkerTim,

I am not aware if it should be counted as a purchase or not. I would suggest speaking with your accountant to be sure.

Sorry, I wasn’t clear. The Sage software produced a printout listing everything (whether it affected VAT or not). So there would be a list of VAT excluded or Zero VAT items. Having run the VAT return, the download doesn’t include any of this - should ? I’m concerned that they should show up which means I have entered the information incorrectly.

Hi @WalkerTim,

I have just confirmed that currently we don’t include exempt on the VAT return. We are currently working on new VAT procedures so we may change that.
If you want it including just remove exempt flag and set VAT rate to zero :slight_smile:

Thanks. Where do I find the exempt flag and set VAT to Zero - there are no options for this on the VAT return that I can see.

It’s within the invoice itself, where you set the VAT amount

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