I have just submitted my first VAT return to HMRC on behalf of a client using QuickFile (MTD).
I think all has gone well and I have a note staying that the return has been acknowledged by HMRC etc.
However, I have a query. Before I submitted it, I hadn’t realised that the quickfile account wasn’t already linked to HMRC. So initially I prepared the VAT return and hit submit, which just saved it. I then went back to link the account to HMRC and tried to submit it properly. In order to do this, I hit the “rollback VAT return” button first. Then went back into VAT returns, found the one to submit now waiting for me (minus the adjustments I had made for fuel charge first time round), so redid the adjustments, and then hit submit.
I think everything is fine, but do I need to do anything about the fact that I rolled back the first attempt? Or can I just ignore that and start entering/tagging for the next VAT period?
Thanks in advance for any help!