VAT return submission failed

I have tried twice now to submit my first digital VAT return since signing up for the new software. Both times I have been notified that the VAT return submission failed with the response " the VRN specified was not found"

How can I get my VAT return accepted?


Hi @jenkins20047,

There are a few reasons that this error could be showing.

  1. You haven’t enrolled on Making Tax Digital yet
  2. You have enrolled on Making Tax Digital but you haven’t yet received the confirmation that enrollment is complete
  3. The VAT number entered is incorrect

If you have received the confirmation email, when was this? It may just be worth speaking to HMRC to make sure everything is set up on their end.

If you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Hi QFSian,

I just want to emphasize that we registered well before the deadline but have checked all email folders and cant find an enrollment confirmation email. We will need to be able to submit a return before 6th December to submit our return on time and to avoid a fine. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Hi @jenkins20047

Seems you don’t have any record of the enrollment confirmation, I would contact HMRC to make sure your enrollment has gone through.

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