My company was registered for VAT from 14 March 2019 and our accountants advised that for our first VAT submission the period could run from 14 March 2019 to 30 June 2019. However, when I look at the dates of the 1st return on Quickfile, it shows 1 April 2019 to 30 June (ie excludes 18 days from 14 March 2019 to 31 March 2019). I had noticed this when submitting the return but was fine with it as we had no revenues during the March period and so we owed no VAT.
HMRC has now chased me stating that I need to do a submission for this period. However, when I try to submit a VAT return for these 18 days, Quickfile says that I should Rollback the 2 VAT submissions that I have made (Apr->Jun and Jul-Sept). When I click on the Rollback button, Quickfile also gives the warning “This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to proceed?”, which makes me nervous.
Can you advise how I can submit a nil VAT return for the 18 day March period?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Hi @JoeG,
Unfortunately the VAT returns will need to be done in order. I would advise saving the backing information to the two returns you have submitted. You will then need to roll these back in order to produce the missing period.
Once the missing period has been filed, you will need to remove your online filing options to save the two returns you had previously submitted, you can then use the backing information you have saved to double check that the figures still match without having to make any alterations.
Once the two rolled back returns have been re-saved you can then change your VAT settings back to include the online filing so that it is ready for next time.
Hope this helps
Thanks a lot for your help, Beth. The problem seems to be solved now.
Really appreciate the quick response.
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