VAT Settings for EU suppliers - no special VAT treatment

Hi, I want to clarify, whether the VAT setting I want to choose for my new supplier would be correct.
They are a supplier from EU (Poland), they are registered for VAT PL, and they supply me with services. I myself am registered for VAT UK.
As I understand, I should use “No special VAT treatment” option - am I correct?
I apologize if the question is silly, but I’d just rather be 100% sure than mess it up somehow :sweat_smile:
Thank you in advance :blush:

Hi @Ola_P

The settings on the supplier page itself are for invoices up to and including 31st December 2020. Anything after this would be set when entering the invoice itself, which gives you a few more options too.

This guide may also help: VAT Options Explained

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Hi, thank you so for the explanation @QFMathew ! :sparkling_heart:
Last question - I assume the same rule applies to the “client page”. Am I right?
Thank you in advance and have a lovely day! :smile:

Hi @Ola_P

Yes, that is correct, the same will apply to the clients.

I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Thank you kindly for you help! :sparkling_heart:


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