Went though the HMRC connection stuff for VAT MTD then told to wait 24 hours.
That message is still coming up how do I check to see if anything is wrong??
Is there anyone I can talk to - desperate now as VAT QTR due and penalties will accrue.
HI there, I can’t remember the proper terminology etc, but are you sure you’ve set your HMRC side of things to be MTD? I had the same thing, thought I’d set it up on the HMRC side, set up Quickfile, waited a couple of days for approval, then realised I’d not done it properly at the HMRC side - my fault and nothing QF could’ve done about it…
What’s the exact message you’re seeing in QuickFile, and where are you seeing it?
MTD can take up to 48 hours in some cases, but this on HMRCs side. It may be worth speaking with them to see what the situation is. If your deadline is tomorrow and you’re still not registered, they may be able to advise on an alternative submission method on this occasion.
You are not yet authorised to view this report for the VRN 165313184 . Please ensure your VAT number is correct and you have connected the corresponding HMRC Tax Account. If you have recently enrolled on the MTD scheme please allow 24 hours for HMRC systems to update.
VAT number is correct and all seems OK at HMRC end link goes through Gateway etc.
Have you logged in directly to HMRC and checked that MTD is active on your account? The error shows on QuickFile if the sign up for MTD hasn’t been completed. If you are in doubt it’s best to contact HMRC to double check everything is set up. It’s worth noting that you will also get a confirmation email from HMRC to confirm that your registration is complete.
Hope this helps
Typical went online - password rejected, new one selected told does not belong to the user ID - why would it it’s new!
HMRC help say they will come back to me in two days - don’t suppose you have a number for them?
Unfortunately I don’t have a contact for them. The only information I can give is what is on this website:
Finally go through - hadn’t been completed last quarter so process re-commenced.
Actually got a very helpful cheerful young lady called Laura.
Thanks for your help.
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