Website Outage June 27th

Hi @Glenn

I’ve just had a look at the Google Calendar feature and enabled it. However, when I click on ‘Sales’ tab, it now tells me that I have no invoices!

I first get this:

and then this…

Edit: It appears to be the same with Purchases. Clients, Estimates, Purchase Orders all still work fine.

This is happening for me as well. I’ve not clicked on anything about Google calendar.

I got the same very briefly and then refreshed a couple of times and it now appears to work fine. I don’t think it’s anything to do with the new Google Calendar feature… Discussing with an engineer.

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Just to confirm, mine appears to be working again :smile:

It’s working now (phew!) but wasn’t a few minutes ago.

The actual error I’m seeing in Chrome is ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. It looks like a transient communication error, I’m still seeing it momentarily but not exactly sure what’s causing it at this stage?


Our primary web server has just gone offline. We’re in communication with the data center and it’s possible that the RAID card has failed on the primary web server. We do have 2 backup web servers and are in the process of redeploying to one of these.

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The whole thing has gone down.

The only thing I see is ‘ERR_CONNECTION_RESET’. It was working fine a few minutes ago

Edit Thanks for the update!

Yep, can’t get to the site. Really frustrating

Unfortunately, these things happen. I’m sure Glenn and his team will fix it shortly :slight_smile:

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Just goes to show what an invaluable service QuickFile provides!

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Just came to report its down also but one last try first and its working again

I’m back too :smile:

Yes the server have come back online which is a relief :slight_smile:

We’re going to continue moving the application to our new backup server so if the problems persist we can quickly switch over with minimal downtime.


Hi Glenn.
I didn’t try to use QFile for the first two days post the outage, but today using Google Chrome, the HTTPS has a line through it and won’t allow me to even see the log-in page.
I assume that this is probably related to the outage, but don’t know what to do about it.
Have you any suggestions?

On Friday we re-issued the SSL certificate on all servers. I’m not seeing any SSL issues here so I think if you refresh a few times and clear your history you should be good.