Year End no longer showing?

We’ve just spent hours getting everything ready to submit the year end accounts through the service, however the link that was appearing at the top of the dashboard has disappeared? And we can’t find another way to start the process.

Please help, the deadline is approaching.


If you go to Help > Additional Services, it should appear under there

Sorry, I should have asked, but I assumed you’re a limited company? At the moment, that’s the only end year service available via QuickFile. If you’re not a limited company, there is a link on the dashboard (above the ads on the right) where you can contact other accountants who may be able to help.

For Limited Companies it should appear as a blue banner on the dashboard. I’m not sure why it wouldn’t be there (I checked our test account and it appears). If you PM me your account details I will take a further look for you.

I’ve got the banner back, (and the help menu) by unlinking the account in question from my Affinity account.
Is there a way around this?

We don’t expose that offer to Affinity connected accounts as Affinity is a promo-free service typically used by accountants. You can place the order while the account is disconnected, then reconnect it again afterwards.